They play with lambs... |
work with Daddy on wood projects while chicks peck around... |
play with their favorite toys... |
hang from plumeria trees and hoot like monkeys with friends... |
take wheelbarrow rides... |
enjoy Lake Malawi... |
make friends wherever they go... |
try to throw stones from a hill into Lake Malawi... |
live on the mini farm... |
hold their pets in a big basket... |
hold tiny miracle babies... |
wheel 60 heads of lettuce in a wagon down to the hospital to give away... |
watch monkeys in the tree right outside our hotel window at the lake... |
play Peek-A-Boo in huge baskets that cost $4 each... |
play in the sand pile with friends... |
ride bikes at the landing strip... |
harvest homemade charcoal... |
and ride the plasma car (and scooters) through the house. Bye! |