Sunday 28 July 2013

Let This Not Drag On

What can I say?

This morning Kenneth the builder and his six men came to work on our yard. At 7:30 I received a call from a woman called Esitar. Not understanding anything, I hung up. The thought flicked through my mind that Kingsley, our former gardener/thief, was married to a woman with that name.

Later in the morning, who calls me but Kingsley! The connection was bad, so again I hung up. Why did I need to talk to him anyway?

Kenneth and his men overheard my conversation and he approached me. The men stood solemnly nearby. "Madam, I don't think you should let Kingsley come back to this house. He might bring black magic with him." I could tell they were serious.

Half an hour later, the triplets with their mom and grandma visited while returning from their two month check up. They are so precious and doing well, each one displaying his or her own personaliy. We got to hold them for the first time! Jedidiah held the tiny girl. Such innocence in one tiny bundle of chitenge fabric!

Our wonder was disturbed by someone approaching. Kingsley. Kenneth and his men stopped working to listen.
"You called my wife and told her that you wanted me here," he said.
"No, I didn't, Kingsley. She called me at 7:30 this morning." 
Coldly he replied, "Regarding what happened before, Madam, I forgive you."  
Steadily holding his gaze, I returned, "and I forgive you." 
He blinked, said the proper salutations, and left.

Kenneth and his men slowly resumed their work.

I thought about that exchange for a while, then went out to Kenneth and his men. I gave them a brief talk about our Creator God being much stronger than the devil, and that they don't need to be afraid while they are with God and while at our house. I don't know how Kenneth translated it all (one can never be too sure with him), but I hoped they heard something positive.

We ate lunch and put Abigail for a nap. After her nap, we wanted to go outside. But where were Abigail's shoes? She has three pairs of shoes--well, she had three pairs of shoes until Friday when we were gone to Satemwa Tea Estate for high tea. On Friday one of her Crocs disappeared, so now she has one pair of day shoes and one pair of church shoes that fit her. In the space of thirty minutes I turned this house upside down looking for them, including walking entirely around the outside of the house.

Back to Kenneth I went, determined that no one was leaving this house until those shoes were found.

"Kenneth, I need help. Abigail has three pairs of shoes. On Friday one of these disappeared," I held up a Croc, "and now the shoes that she was wearing today are gone. I need your guys to stop digging and look for those shoes now. I'll continue looking in the house." After some coaxing, they began searching. 

Back inside, I prayed. "Dear God, please be glorified in this. Didn't I just talk to them about trusting You? Please open my eyes to where Abigail's shoes are in the house, or else help those men to return her shoes. Please answer my prayer now, Lord, and let this not drag on. Thank You."

And guess what? Kenneth and three guys came around the house carrying Abi's shoes. He said that they were somewhere in the yard that she has not even played in today. My husband was frustrated, but I was glad. "God answered our prayer! We cannot make them stop stealing, but we have Abi's shoes back, and that's what we need. I'm grateful!" And truly, it did feel like success.

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