Friday 3 February 2023

Faith...or Demand?

***written by Shallena Crounse July 7,2020***

  1. an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
    "a series of demands for far-reaching reforms"
  2. (Definitions by Oxford Languages)

I've heard it said often; perhaps you have, too. A young man falls and breaks his back. Doctors are sure he will be a paraplegic, but he heals completely. "That's my God!" he tells anyone who will listen. A woman is healed of a chronic disease. On social media she declares, "That's my God!" The stories go on and on. We all like to hear them, but I wonder about the sentiment.

It sounds like they are saying that they told God they needed healing and He did what they said. Does God take commands from humans? Is God your pet?

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, “You did not make me”? Can the pot say to the potter, “You know nothing”? Isaiah 29:16

I have stage IV cancer. For four years I've struggled, body, soul, mind, emotions. Several people have told me that they believe that I will be healed. How I rejoice in the hope that gives! However, I am not in charge. If I were, my diagnosis would be very different! I could die from cancer. It's a reality that I accept, albeit begrudgingly sometimes. I ask God to heal me, yet what if it's better for His kingdom if I'm not healed? I don't get to tell Him what to do. My own children don't get to tell me what to do, and we are all humans! Just like children, I may make my request and wait for His answer, which I must accept. 

Do I trust Him? If I trust Him, I will not make demands. I will not try to tell my Creator what He must do with my life. I will simply ask. Faith is not faith if I always get what I want. Faith is not in the object desired. Faith--patient trust--is believing in the person of our heavenly Father. Believing in His goodness and love for me, my family, my children. 

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